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Classes 1,2,3

First time giving classes and honestly was thrilled about it, many thoughts going around my mind but in the end, everything turned out alright!

First Class

Class Information

-print Function, Comments, Variables, Concatenation

-All students were present

-4 Students


-Students would get a little bit lost and lasted a while when dealing with the new concepts, despite, all of them could handle the exercises and we even got to see concepts that were meant to be seen in the second class.

-I should improve my talking form since I spoke way too fast and people wouldn´t understand me completely.

Second Class

Class Information

-First-class review and lower(), upper(), capitalize(), title() methods

-All students were present

-4 Students


-Students didn´t remember most of the things that were sawn in the previous class but when re-explained they understood quicker than in the first class, noticed that students were getting more excited as the class was continuing, and were actually interested in learning.

-Not all concepts that were meant to be taught were taught so we got behind schedule, in spite of that, since we went ahead on the first class, there wasn't a huge impact on the calendar

-Every student started a document with the things they were learning so it would be easier to look at them the next class.

Third Class

Class Information

-Variables, Methods, Concatenation, Boolean analysis with Methods

-All students were present and one summed up

-5 Students


-Surprisingly, the taking notes method increased the student's concept management since they were doing things fast and well done. Students every time seem to manage Python better and they are all doing fantastic even though there's one that needs a little bit more assistance, we were all on the same page.

-Schedule was completed

-Students thanked me for giving the course and expressed how they were feeling about it, everyone said they were liking how I gave classes and how much stuff was covered in one class.


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