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What is this blog´s goal?

  • Keep a record of my development growth and process

  • Help new programmers with the information I would have loved to know when I started my journey in programming

  • Document the process and evolution of the students I´m teaching how to program at the high school I´m attending to

  • Save the practices I make on the web so more people can have access to them

My pick of the month!

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck it´s a dense book you´ll have to read carefully as well as process every sentence you read. It´s a total mind-changing book and will make you live more peacefully by actually realizing what you should care about, and what you should not. 


My name is Camila and I'm a 16' years old girl, I started coding last year and completely fell in love with it, my strongest language right now is Python and I'm learning Java.

Besides coding, I love learning, reading, baking, drawing and graphic design!


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