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Hey! So Glad You're Here 

So, If you are here, it´s probably because you´d like to know a little bit more about my personal life! I was born in 2005 in Costa Rica and raised by Cuban parents, in my household we have always lived just us three, my mom, my dad and me, about the rest of my family, for 13 years my uncle lived in Costa Rica like us, unlike the rest of my family whom live mainly in Cuba and United States. My childhood was pretty normal, but I never felt like I was the normal one of my class, my friend group was constantly changing and never got to fit in completely. Everything got better when I got to High-School, my 2 best friends and me were unseparatable until my parents got ascended and he had to move out of the city so much far away from where I have had lived all my life. The place I was moving wasn´t anything but different from everything I have known so far, so super scared but excited, on January of 2020 we packed our bags and headed to a place we didn´t have a clue would be so life changing for all of us, but specially, for me. After meeting my neighbor and future classmate, my scareness instead of lowing down, rised up, my new High School was a super small Scientific High School, I went from being the only one getting good grades to everyone getting the same grades as me, everyone in my class got really good grades, so that´s a clue for you to realize the type of school I was moving to. On my first day of ninth grade, my neighbor, introduced me to everyone and quickly established good relations with everyone. I was the only girl from my classroom who had lived in the city so many things that were normal for me, were weird for my classmates and vice-versa, it was a plain shock for me to realize that there´s people who have never gone to a Mc´Donalds. But learning that there´s so many people that have never gotten to eat to a fast food restaurant was not even a 0,00000...1 of all the things my new lifestyle would thaught me. Everything was great for me, exceptuating the absurd daily heat of 95 degrees Fahrenhait until the COVID-19 pandemic hit in. Lockdown and a hot summer wasn´t a great combination for me at that time. Unlike I would have liked it to be, my 2020 was fulled with unproductive things to do and virtual classes, but got into exercise, maybe that´s the only relevant thing I did on 2020, completely different as 2021. Writing this on January of 2022 and right now, without any doubt I  say that 2021 was the year I totally discovered myself and learned the most in my entire life. I discovered reading and absolutely got addicted to it, even when I had hated it all my life, I started to love going to the gym early and making my mornings happy and productive, and the best of all, my love for programming and coding was discovered, after receiving a Python class from School and totally fallen in love, I began my research and consulted my uncle, who works in a big Tech company in Germany and got even more into it. Right now I´m making this blog to documentate my thoughts and learnings on the programming journey I´m going through and maybe even help someone that´s discovering this amazing world of development!

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